Hello, These are my lovely dogs,

Kaiah and Sylus



This is my lovely girl, Kaiah. She is 14 years old and I adopted her when she was 1 year old. She is a German Shepherd. She is a very loyal girl and loves to be with me wherever I go. She loves all food and I have to share everything I eat with her. She alo loves walks but stops often to sniff aver tree and post along the way. She is just the best!



This is my buddy, Sylus. He is 13 years old and I adopted him when he was about 3 months old. He is a lab/pitbull mix. He loves playing with his toys and running and chasing. He is a very good listener and a very loyal pup too. He loves car rides and walks to the park. He is the best too!

Both dogs
3 Musketeers
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